Spalding and District Civic Society wants your input

Spalding and District Civic Society wants more people to give input to its work and is hoping to attract more members.

The public is being invited to attend the society’s annual general meeting on Tuesday (March 24).

A spokesman said: “It is clear from reading the Press that many people are concerned to improve the appearance and quality of life in Spalding, and the civic society has a proven track record for channelling your concerns and is recognised by the district council as an effective (and sometimes irritating) pressure group.
“We are looking to develop a programme of positive input, particularly to make the town centre something to be proud of.”

Topics expected to be discussed include:

  •  how best to work with the town centre manager
  • what should happen to the Bull and Monkie site
  • whether the best is being made of green spaces and shop fronts
  • what can be learnt from other market towns
  • what Spalding can be proud of
  • what questions should be asked of council election candidates

The meeting in the business centre at Spalding Grammar School starts at 7.30pm.

The society strives to “protect and preserve all that is best in our local heritage and encourage quality in the new”.
Some years ago it led opposition to a new road through the town and a housing development plan for the Castle Field.
Among the improvements the society initiated were the creation of a riverside path and a scheme to remove street clutter, and it has recently been asked for ideas to improve the layout of Market Place.

It is keen to attract fresh faces to join its ranks.
The spokesman said: “There must be many reading this for whom a seat on the council is not ‘their thing’, but who would nevertheless like the opportunity to play a part in making Spalding as attractive a place as possible to live and work in and to visit. The civic society offers such an opportunity.

“It could be by helping futher blue plaque research, keeping an eye on nature conservation issues in the town, contributing ideas for the improvement of the market place, defending our green leisure spaces, joining the newsletter delivery team, bringing IT know-how to our website, helping with social events, or simply bringing fresh ideas and experience on to the committee. Anyone with planning knowledge is particularly valuable.

“And, of course, we equally welcome all those who simply support our aims. The more members we have, the more we can do.”

Annual membership fees are £8 single or £12 for two people in the same household. For anyone in full-time education, it’s free.

To find out more visit or contact the secretary, 55 Pinchbeck Road, Spalding PE11 1QF.

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