‘Slap in the face’ as burgled Cowbit shop is attacked again

Cowbit Village Store has been attacked for a second time, in what has been described as a “slap in the face” for the whole village.

The community launched a fundraising drive to buy security shutters for the store after it was broken into on February 19 – and around £1,000 has already been donated.
At around 10.45pm on Monday (Feb 27) the store was attacked again. This time no one got in, but a window replaced after the last attack was damaged and another window smashed, which will cost around £800 in total to repair. A further window is also to be replaced with toughened glass at a cost of a further £400 or so.

Shop worker Dawn Hook said: “We are just devastated. We are really upset this could happen for a second time in such a short period of time.
“Everyone has been so kind this last week and rallied round. This feels like a slap in the face for the whole village, not just us.

“Obviously we are just going to push ahead with getting the security shutters as soon as we can. We have just got to put a stop to this.”

As reported in The Voice last week, following the first attack when around £1,000 worth of alcohol and cigarettes was taken, villagers launched a crowdfunding page and insisted store owner Colin Foxwell allow them to put a collection tin in the shop.

Mrs Hook said: “We have had lots of people coming in saying they didn’t know it had happened until they read it in The Voice. One of our regulars gave us £50.
“Everyone is still being incredibly kind and has taken it personally.
“We’re a small community and everyone sees the shop as theirs.”

On Tuesday, Cowbit St Mary’s Primary School pupils sold pancakes to raise more funds and are holding a bake sale on Thursday. A coffee morning was due held on Wednesday and a disco is planned for March 11.
A car boot/table top sale planned for last weekend had to be rearranged to this Sunday at Cowbit Village Hall (10am to 2pm).

Police are investigating both attacks.

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