“Selfish” vandals have damaged flower displays set up for Holbeach’s In Bloom entry for the third time.
Volunteers put hours into creating displays which impressed judges for the East Midlands in Bloom competition recently.
But all their hard work and effort has been thrown back in their faces after plants were left strewn across the pavement and foliage damaged in three separate attacks in the past two weeks.
Chairman of the Holbeach in Bloom committee Graham Rudkin said: “We have had three separate occasions of the plants being damaged in the past two weeks in the Market Hill area.
“I’ve involved the police and I understand that they have CCTV images, so hopefully these people will be caught.
“Our committee has put a lot of time and effort into making the town look really nice and people have got a lot of enjoyment out of it.
“We have had a lot of positive comments this year and it’s such a shame that these few selfish people are spoiling it for others.”
Mr Rudkin said plants were replanted after the first incident when they were ripped out, but damage to foliage in more recent attacks cannot be repaired.
The latest incident happened between 9pm and 10pm on Sunday on the High Street, near to the traffic lights.
Police are urging anyone with any information about the damage to contact them on 101, quoting incident number 39 of July 21.