Relief for motorists after chaos

A road which has been closed for eight weeks is set to reopen today (Thursday) while traffic lights set up this week along its diversion route are also being ended ahead of schedule.

It follows concerns over traffic chaos this week, particularly around the junction of Queens Road and Holbeach Road.
Traffic has been diverting along there due to the closure of part of Wardentree Lane off the A16 junction.
This week motorists were left upset as Lincolnshire County Council put traffic lights up as part of junction improvement works being carrying out.
One motorist Graham Hicks complained to the council it took him an hour to get from Morrison’s in Pinchbeck to the McDonald’s roundabout. “What person in their right mind authorised this while all the A16 traffic for West Marsh Road area of town is being directed via Holbeach Road?
“Why do we pay salaries to people who cannot even work out the simplest of operations?”
Another anonymous motorist also complained that the area was in ‘grid lock’.
A spokesman for Lincolnshire County Council told The Voice that as we went to press, the authority had devised a work-around so traffic lights were not needed at Queen’s Road, while also stating the closed section of Wardentree Lane is planned to be open by tomorrow afternoon.
Karen Cassar, assistant director for highways, said: “The £250,000 footway replacement project on Queens Road has been underway since July and is set to finish by the end of the month.
“With the project nearing completion, the contractor has put signals up at the Queens Road/Holbeach Road junction to carry out the remaining works. Unfortunately, the timing of this final piece of the project has started on the first day of back-to-school, which is less than ideal. However, we’ve reviewed the need for these signals in light of the traffic delays and will be removing them.”
Sam Edwards, Lincolnshire County Council’s head of highways infrastructure previously called the traffic from the road closure as ‘not too horrendous’ after speaking with nearby businesses.

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