Recognition for police life-saver

A Spalding-based police officer has been nominated for a national award for risking his life by pulling a trapped motorist to safety.

PC Phil McAllister jumped into the water and smashed the window of David Anthony’s car to rescue the 60-year-old from the freezing cold dyke by Glenside in West Pinchbeck shortly before 5am on December 7 last year.

He’s been nominated for the Police Federation’s 26th national Police Bravery Awards which is being held in London on December 9.

A Lincolnshire Police spokesman said: “PC McAllister, who was working alone, arrived first on scene.

“He spotted the car through the pitch black, foggy night and entered the dyke, not knowing how deep the icy water was.

“He managed to smash a window and get inside the car, where he supported the man’s head above the water line until he could free him and remove him from the car, where the man was given first aid by paramedics. The conditions were treacherous and without a thought for his own safety PC McAllister entered the water to save the man. If PC McAllister waited for specialist units to arrive, the outcome could have been very different.”

Helen Stamp, deputy chair of Lincolnshire Police Federation, said: “The courage and professionalism shown by PC McAllister went above and beyond the normal call of duty. He showed exceptional bravery, and thoroughly deserves to be nominated for this award.

“Thank you PC McAllister for your dedication to helping to keep the public safe.”

Following the incident Mr Anthony of Pinchbeck, called for PC McAllister to be recognised for his part in keeping him alive before Spalding fire crew members pulled him from the car he’d been driving on his way to work.

Mr Anthony said: “I can’t think of anyone more deserving of the award, being trapped in an upside down car in a ditch, in the middle of winter, with freezing cold water pouring in, unable to see anything because it’s out in the countryside so away from any street lights. It takes real guts to do what he did. I can’t thank him enough.”

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