Questions on how to tackle ASB

It’s hoped new street furniture and a volunteer looking at CCTV will have an effect on Spalding town centre’s anti-social behaviour issues.

The issue of how to tackle it was discussed at a meeting of South Holland District Council last week.
Coun Gary Taylor (pictured) said local police had been involved in the design of the new street furniture to go in Hall Place, Red Lion Street and the riverside.
“We want to reduce anti-social behaviour,” he said responding to a question on anti-social behaviour in those areas from Coun James Le Sage. “As part of the process the designers met with the police regarding the town centre scheme.
“They gave some advice and guidance that was taken on-board. It includes the positioning of the seating and the planters.
“They are experts in that line of the work so hopefully that will have some effect.”
Coun Taylor told the meeting work is to be carried out by a firm called Linden and is ‘due to be completed by the end of the year with a start date soon’.
“It’s a major piece of work which has taken some time,” he said.
The issue of CCTV was also raised, particularly with regards to catching those responsible for graffiti.
Coun Anthony Casson told the council that Lincolnshire Police were looking to take on a volunteer to look at CCTV in Spalding rather than at the control hub in Boston. It’s for a minimum of four hours a week.
“CCTV cameras are a good deterrent,” Coun Casson said. “With graffiti, very often they have hoodies on so they can’t identify the particular people.
“The police only get notified a day or two after which makes looking the problem up more difficult for them.
“They’re monitored at Boston but at the last month or two there’s been a volunteer in Spalding two days a week looking at the town.
“I just wish more people would report things, especially when they’re happening, as if there’s any police around they stand a better chance of stopping them.”
Coun Michael Booth asked when CCTV cameras might be used more ‘in the parishes’.
“We at Sutton Bridge have asked and got no response,” he said.“With the lack of police in the area it looks like technology is the way to go.”
Calls were made for the public to report incidents.
“If people see incidents, please report it as police can move resources on the data they’ve gathered,” Coun Taylor said.
“We need to encourage new businesses and they’ll only arrive if we’re a clean and attractive environment.
“I believe these town centre improvements will help that.”

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