Lincolnshire Police has launched its summer drink and drug drive campaign.
People can report a drink or drug driver using a short code SMS text service.
Police said: “We will use the information to stop, arrest and process the driver through the courts.
“This is only to be used for non-emergency cases. If you see a drink/drug driver actually driving, please treat it as an emergency and call 999.
“Drivers are reminded that we will be carrying out roadside checks at all times of the day, including the mornings, and now carry drug testing kits so drivers can be tested accurately at the roadside for drugs.”
The Lincolnshire crackdown is part of the national campaign working directly with officers from the regional forces as part of the East Midlands Operational Support Service (EMOpSS).
How to shop a suspected offender: Text the word DRINK (or) DRUG to 80800 with details of:
Who the person is and/or the vehicle registration
Where the person is or will be drinking
When the person is likely to drive