Proposal for A151 speed reduction

The speed limit on the A151 through Moulton and Weston could be reduced by 10mph.

A report to Lincolnshire County Council’s Planning and Regulation Committee, due to meet on Monday, October 5, is recommending the committee approves reducing the speed limit at Weston to 50mph and Moulton to 40mph, which will allow the necessary consultation process to bring them into effect to be pursued.

The report says the introduction of speed limit reductions at this location has been investigated at the request of the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.

The partnership’s data indicates that six serious and 15 slight reported injury accidents have occurred along this length over the past five years.

The County Council’s Speed Limit Policy provides a means by which requests for speed limits can be assessed consistently throughout the county.

The criteria by which a speed limit may be justified within a rural area is based on the accident rate calculated at that location, and the level of limit to be imposed is determined by the mean speed of traffic travelling through it.

Having carried out an assessment, a borderline case has been identified which triggers a report being submitted to the Planning and Regulation Committee for consideration.

The mean speed of traffic measured within the proposed new 50mph limit is 47.6mph and therefore that level of limit can be proposed.

Within the existing 50mph limit the mean speeds have been measured at two locations as 45.8 and 44.4mph.

These lie within 3mph of the threshold for a 40mph limit so a reduction to this level may therefore be considered as a borderline case and the committee may approve the initiation of the speed limit order process to reduce the current 50mph speed limit to 40mph.

Under the normal criteria set out in the speed limit policy the existing 50mph limit on the A151 at Moulton would not qualify for reduction to 40mph.

However as a borderline case this committee may approve a departure from the criteria where appropriate and approve a reduction to a 40mph limit at this location.

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