Please join us in Germany for 60th anniversary of Spalding’s partnership with Speyer

By Peter Start (secretary of Friends of Speyer)

The 60th anniversary of the formation of the partnership between Spalding and Speyer (in Germany) occurs this year.

The civic authority in Speyer and the Friends of Spalding wish to mark and celebrate this anniversary with as many people as possible from Spalding and district who have had past or who have current connections with Speyer.

Friends of Speyer invite any other people interested in joining the celebration of the twinning to travel with them, and to participate in the programme of hospitality.The period of the celebration commences at 6pm on Thursday, July 7 and follows through the period of the annual Speyer Bretzel fest, ending on Sunday, July 10.

In 1956 a party of Spalding Urban District Councillors left Spalding Station to travel on the Harwich Boat Train to catch the night ferry to the Hoek of Holland and then other continental trains (via Cologne) to Speyer, to inaugurate the civic and cultural twinning of both towns.
This initiative was taken as part of a national policy to encourage post-war friendship and reconciliation between the nations.

A Spalding Grammar School trip to twin town Speyer in Germany in 2012.
A Spalding Grammar School trip to twin town Speyer in Germany in 2012.

The civic link was cemented the following year when a party of Speyer dignitaries, lead by their Oberbergermeister, came to Spalding and were hosted in the homes of councillors who had visited Speyer in 1956.
This initial exchange spawned further links between students at Spalding Grammar and Spalding High Schools with their counterpart gymnasium in Speyer. Reciprocal school visits over the years have encouraged the learning of the respective languages and pen friendships developed between students, usually after they had been hosted in each other’s homes.

The biennial civic exchanges in either direction continued for 50 years until South Holland District Council resolved to terminate the “civic connection” on the grounds of costs and (presumably) a view that over the years the “link” had lost its relevance. However, Speyer has remained proud of its connection with Spalding and still exhibits a South Holland memorial stone prominently outside its “Dom” (cathedral).

Other Spalding organisations and societies (because of the partnership) have formed their own (by now) longstanding specialised twinning arrangements with their Speyer counterparts; notably South Holland Singers, Spalding Round Table and Spalding United Reformed Church.

When the district decided to sever the civic link many people, who were not councillors but who had been on previous council organised visits, had formed strong friendships with families in Speyer which they mutually wished to retain. To keep these contacts, in Spalding the Friends of Speyer group was formed and with the Friends of Spalding in Speyer, biennial visits have continued on a self-help basis.

To express interest in joining us in Germany this summer write to me at 29 Stonegate, Cowbit, Spalding PE12 6AH, telephone 01406 380599 or email [email protected]

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