Plans for SEND school in Whaplode passed despite objections

Plans to create a new school for students with additional needs have been approved, despite a letter against the idea from MP Sir John Hayes.

An application to change use from residential dwelling to a school for students with special educational needs was approved this week.
The school will be at Dorcette House, off Little Lane, Whaplode, and the site is described as ‘substantial’.
The new school will provide specialist therapeutic education for up to 32 students aged from five to 16-years-old overseen by 15 staff.
It was discussed by members of South Holland District Council’s Planning Committee on Tuesday evening.
The application comes from DPS Education Ltd which is run by Deborah and Lewis Seragusa.
Speaking on their behalf David Beswick said: “A green space is the ideal setting for a school of this nature.
“Many gifted children suffer from a lack of self-confidence, esteem and vulnerability which affects their behaviour.
“The demand is growing at rapid pace.
“Our therapeutic approach and the setting will help our children feel safe and help them flourish educationally and emotional.
“We address their fears and frustrations in small groups and one-to-one based on what they require,.
“The green space really helps in this process.
“They’re given every chance to grow educationally, socially and emotionally enabling them to grow in self confidence and self worth.
“This transformation will equip with the skills necessary to build a life so they can make a positive contribution to the local community and be a benefit, not a cost to that community in the near future.
“The threat of any anti-social behaviour is absolutely minimum.
“We know there’s a demand for this in South Holland and greater Lincolnshire.
“This will be great news locally for parents, children and South Holland council. It’s a genuine win, win situation.”
That’s not something South Holland and the Deepings MP Sir John Hayes shared who, along with 18 members of the public, raised objections.
“Dorcette House is situated on a single track narrow lane, with no passing places and close to a junction,” he said in representations. “Furthermore these lanes are regularly used by large agricultural vehicles and lorries and I appreciate the local residents’ worries.”
Several councillors expressed concerns of traffic using Little Lane with Coun Allan Beal calling it ‘a disaster waiting to happen’.
“It’s called Little Lane for a reason,” he said. “I’ve every sympathy of the need for these facilities but from a highways perspective I can’t agree with it.”
But the Highways department did agree with the proposal and raised no objections after the applicant revised their original application creating a different access and parking arrangements.
One of the conditions is that the Thorpe Lane access shall be used by staff only.
Planning chairman Coun James Avery said: “I can see both sides.
“I understand why an isolated location is more suitable.
“There’s already some agricultural businesses down there so the road is already supporting some large vehicles.”

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