Pair’s brilliant rubbish pick up

A truck-driving couple who say they’re addicted to litter picking in the Sutton Bridge area are the worthy Volunteers of the Year at the Pride of South Holland Awards 2023.

Deanne Gough and Andy Tilley have for the last few years gone out of their way to pick up litter, particularly around the A17.

They’ve even made their own bins to put on laybys that didn’t have them previously.
Deanne runs lorry firm Tipro which Andy drives for.

And the Saturday morning sessions clearing the bins for the rubbish to be collected by the council has become a ritual for the pair who have been together for 30-years.

“I would say we are addicted,” Deanne said. “Andy came home from driving once saying about the state of the roads, so we just picked up bags and tidied an area and it grew from there.

“We help out with the Long Sutton Wombles soon after and we’ve now filled over 5,000 big bags of rubbish.

“We’ve become dedicated to keeping Sutton Bridge clean.

“We used to take it all home with us but we’ve had good support from Coun Jack Tyrrell who has been able to arrange for the council to collect what we gather.

“We’ve had a brilliant reaction from the whole community.

“Kwick Signs have provided us with jackets and so many locals have got to know us.

“A number of regular cars come passed and pip us.

“There’s also a lovely lady in Lauren Neal who brings us refreshments when it’s hot.

“It’s the appreciation from the likes of her and the whole community that makes it worthwhile.

“Farmers have thanked us for clearing drains as rubbish has been clogging up their pipes, it’s a broad section of the community that this is helping.

“I’d encourage more people to take their rubbish home with them rather than throw it out the window. All they need is a bag to take it away in.”

Deanne and Andy are now helping South Holland District Council’s new enviro-crime team understand the fly-tipping hot spots in the area so cameras might catch the perpetrators.

It was Sutton Bridge Parish Council who nominated the pair.

A spokesman said: “The laybys and verges on both sides of the A17 were a shocking mess of rubbish and much of the worst kind of waste that can be left by people.

“Deanne and Andy have inventively converted fly-tipped tyres into bins which they regularly empty.

“The amount of waste that they pick up each week using only their own resources is quite remarkable and it has significantly improved the visual amenity of the area and of the perception of people passing though Lincolnshire’s south easterly gateway.

“With no plastic hanging from trees, piles of rubbish bags, scattered McDonald’s wrappers or human waste along with the provision of their regularly emptied tyre bins, Deanne and Andy’s community spirit is changing the behaviour of those few inconsiderate road users who are starting to think twice about carelessly throwing their mess from their vehicles.

“What was previously a shameful sight can now be considered as a source of pride for the local community.”

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