The leader of South Holland District Council has unveiled his new cabinet which has met for the first time since the election.
Coun Nick Worth (Cons) was officially unanimously voted into the role last week after 20 years as deputy to Lord Gary Porter.
He named Coun Gary Taylor as his deputy.
Coun Worth told the meeting he is launching a plan to “visit every ward in this district”.
“I want to visit, see what’s good and what improvements can be made.
“As a listening council we have so many skills, and let’s reach our full potential, work together and harness the best idea of colleagues, residents and the communities we serve.”
Coun Taylor will also be responsible for housing, the delivery of the new Castle Sports Complex, which the meeting was told the ÂŁ20m Levelling Up grant was due to be signed off last Friday, and Spalding town centre improvements.
Coun Tracey Carter is deputy leader of the cabinet as well as communities and operational housing.
Opposition leader Rob Gibson questioned why two deputies were needed “at a cost of £12,000” each.
Coun Worth responded: “I have reduced the cabinet by one, and I’ve no supporting councillors this time which we had before.”
Coun Jim Astill was appointed as the officer of corporate governance and communication; Coun Henry Bingham took on the role of officer for assets and strategic planning and Coun Anthony Casson is officer for public protection.
Coun Paul Redgate is the officer for finance, commercialisation, the council owned company PSPS which provides back office services and Levelling Up.
Coun Elizabeth Sneath keeps her role as heritage officer while also taking on health and wellbeing and newcomer to the cabinet Coun Jack Tyrrell takes on environmental services.
Andrew Woolf is the new chairman of the council with Jan Whitbourn the vice chairman.
Coun Worth continued: “I’m proud and honoured to represent the district. There’s a few familiar faces and a lot of new faces.
“The administration is different but the key thing is we work together for the benefit of South Holland and the residents of this district.
“It’s a massive honour to lead and I’ve only been in a 20 year apprenticeship,” he said. “It’s taken me quite a long time to get to this stage.
“I like to work with people across the board and I look forward to working with everyone on this council.
“We don’t always agree, and that’s fine but I will be working closely with Coun Rob Gibson (ind) as I appreciate he’s had a very successful election. We need to work together for the good of South Holland. We have a lot in common anyway. I think we’ll have a good relationship moving forward.”
He continued: “I’ve already had conversations with the leaders of East Lindsey and Boston, and all of us are very committed to the partnership and taking it from strength-to-strength.”
As well as the Castle Sports Complex, Coun Worth highlighted priorities including green energy, particularly the delivery of a hydrogen plant.
“I think we will see something coming forward very quickly on that,” he said. “We have a huge amount of HGVs in and out of Spalding in particular and across the district and if we can get them on green fuel it will be great for them and the quality of life in the area.”
He also mentioned more housing and inward investment, making himself the cabinet member responsible.
“I’ll be looking at every opportunity to bring new business in. It’s good for our young people to have new skills and jobs.”