Planning inspectors say only one of these two new fences on opposite sides of the road is acceptable.
Neighbours in Spalding’s Osier Road and Rutland Close both had to apply for retrospective planning permission after a tip-off to South Holland District Council – and both subsequently appealed the refusal decisions.
The independent planning inspectorate then came to different decisions on whether the two fences met the same planning policy guidelines.
A report to next week’s council planning committee says an inspector said of the Osier Road fence: “The height and solid form of the fence gives it a stark and obtrusive appearance in the street scene, which is at odds with the predominantly low and open character of the boundary treatments in the area.”

And of the Rutland Close fence, it adds: “A different inspector took the view, that seen together in their context, both fences complement each other and add a degree of symmetry to the Rutland Close/Osier Road junction.”
Agneszka Lukaszewicz, owner of the Osier Road property, said: “We should be treated the same – it’s absolutely unfair for us but I don’t want to fall out with anyone. I will talk to the council to see what they want me to do.”