Lions all set for another roaring year

Spalding Lions have been raising money for Guide Dogs for the Blind as one of its charities.

President Stuart East presented a cheque for £500 to Elizabeth Roberts, of the Boston and Spalding branch.
The Lions also had the chance to meet guide dog Pepper who visited the group with owner Dennis and Sheila from the charity.
The Lions also held their annual meeting recently, which saw Stuart East keeping the presidency for another year.
The event, at The Chequers in Weston, saw him present Lion Julie Grant her vice chairman chain of office as she takes on that role.
A spokesman said: “Stuart, Julie and fellow Lions are looking forward to their ‘Lion year’ and upcoming events including Bourne Fun Day and the Friends of Johnson Community Hospital Summer Fayre.”
The club meets every first and third Wednesday of the month from 7.30pm at the Consti Club, Broad Street, Spalding and is keen to encourage new members.
For more information contact through the group’s social media or directly to ju*************@gm***.com

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