Letters – When will Moulton Park open?

Moulton Park remains closed to the public with the dire warning that anyone venturing onto this “public” space will be prosecuted.

1) When can we expect to have public access without fear of prosecution?

2) Why has the owner of sheep, and his flock, been allowed constant access?

3) When can Moulton expect to have a play area for its resident children?

4) What plans are there for the Section 106 money from the new Lowther Avenue development and how much is this?

I am intrigued by the following statement from The Voice’s recent article:

“But a district council member for Moulton Anthony Casson said there was no play area ‘on the immediate horizon’.”

And the park gates remain firmly locked with notices warning against trespassing.

Livestock is currently being grazed on the land which, he said, was bought for the benefit of the district.

“It was bought because we were short of open space and it was a golden opportunity,” said Mr Casson.

“Some people think we bought it for the sole purpose of a play area, but that was not the case.”

I attended a public meeting called by the parish council to debate the sole issue of the future of Moulton Park when its private owner offered it for sale.

A large part of that discussion centred around the possibility of provision at long last of a children’s play area in part of the park.

Following a show of hands at that meeting, and a recommendation from the parish council, South Holland District Council purchased the land. Coun Casson declares it was bought because we are short of open space.

But it is not “open”. It remains closed and the only benefit is to the sheep farmer.

If it was not purchased to provide open space, and a play area for Moulton, then why was public money spent to buy it?

I remain convinced that the best place for a children’s play area is the area of land on the Harrox Field just beyond the car park.

It is away from the main arena of competitive sport, off a main road, has a car park, in a much better position than other established play areas, such as at Moulton Seas End, and is close to the primary and nursery schools. This land was once in public ownership, bequeathed by John Harrox for the benefit in perpetuity of Moulton, but now in private ownership. But that’s another sorry story…

Name and address supplied

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