LETTERS – We are not leaving Europe

Those calling for a second referendum will be heartened to find that in O’Sykes and Mr George, they have actually managed to find possibly a couple of genuine supporters outside of London.

Both claim to have read my letter with interest, but both have failed to address any of the key points I raised on their campaign’s efforts to fix any future poll on the EU.

Instead they think they can hoodwink the British people with their trickery, bluster and double talk, just as they have attempted to do with their pre-march video, which has been exposed for the deceitful sham that it is.

Only last week an excellent investigative journalist called Mr Steerpike, pointed out that many (possibly all) of the celebrities who featured on a People’s Vote video pushing for a second Brexit referendum, had in fact not changed their minds’ about Brexit, but voted Remain all along.

And it seems as though the article touched a raw nerve.

In order to prove that they are not solely made up of malcontent Remoaners, the so-called People’s Vote released another video this morning (October 19), casting a light on those who had voted Leave in 2016 and have now switched sides.

But, while the first video featured dozens of celebrities, stars, and ordinary folk saying they backed a second referendum, Mr S was forced to point out to them that the entire movement could now only find one genuine person in their ranks who voted Leave.

His name apparently is Hugh, Remainer Now:

Only it turns out that Hugh, is not exactly your typical Brexit voter found on the street.

In fact, Hugh Norris inspired the creation of the ‘Remainer Now’ lobby group, and has been pushing for a second referendum for the last 12 months.

But if the People’s Vote are struggling to find people who’ve actually genuinely changed their minds since the referendum, Mr S is happy to help. In fact, he can provide plenty of people who voted remain, but now say they would vote Leave: All of which makes Mr S and I wonder: what’s the People’s Vote plan is if they get a second referendum, and the country votes Leave for a third time. The best of seven perhaps?

They have already lost two people’s votes – the 2016 referendum when by a 1.5 million majority we voted for Brexit and again at the 2017 General Election when both main parties pledged in their manifestos to deliver a clean Brexit – leave the EU, leave the Single Market and Leave the Customs Union – which attracted 80 per cent of the votes cast.

How many polls will the British electorate have to suffer before the remoaners finally accept and respect the democratic will of the British people?

We know it is hard for them to say goodbye, but take heart we are not leaving Europe – which we love for many different reasons – we are only leaving the failing European Union.

Craig Jackson
Vote Leave Constituency Co-Ordinator South Holland & The Deepings

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