I write to express concern at the danger of the High Bridge pedestrian bridge in Spalding.
This bridge has a very high volume of pedestrians and young cyclists who attend at least six large secondary and junior schools in the vicinity of Halmergate and Matmore Gate.
This bridge has no pedestrian crossing facility at either end of the bridge and is very dangerous.
My concern is that when on the bridge wanting to cross, you take your life in your hands, particularly when crossing over to Hills furniture shop.
Traffic lights cause the problem in that the traffic comes over the road bridge to turn left into Vine Street and it is a blind corner and you as a pedestrian are not aware what traffic is on the bridge because a wall obscures your view.
Years ago was written on the road in big white letters “Look Right” but this has long been covered over and not replaced.
My fear is that one day a small child or elderly person will be knocked down by a car who in obeying the traffic lights both ends of the bridge but is not aware that there is no facility or time for pedestrians to cross the road.
Also our local Ayscoughfee Gardens and the Vista Church Hall (which has a large number of pedestrian/cyclist keep fit ladies attending classes daily) is located over this bridge and a doctor’s surgery, so a safe pedestrian crossing needs to be installed on both ends of the pedestrian bridge ASAP.
Please consider this before someone is injured.
Jane Cooper
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