LETTERS – Military events not supported

During my tenure as a district councillor, both Lord Porter and Coun Angela Newton ensured that councillors actively participated in military parades, such as Armistice Day, VE Day, and VJ Day.
Back then, it was standard to see 15 to 20 councillors attending these important events.
I have only been out of politics for 15 months, but it seems times have changed considerably.
Recently, I attended the Flag Raising Ceremony for Armed Forces Day at the council offices on Priory Road.
In my time as Chairman of South Holland District Council, I would have organised a leaflet containing the Homage, Kohima, a prayer, and the national anthem to distribute to attendees.
The ceremony, lasting about 15 minutes, was a meaningful tribute.
However, this year, only four councillors – Andrew Woolf, Anthony Casson, Mark Le Sage and Allan Beale attended.
The flag, which should have been folded and ready for the chairman to raise, was already flying, and the entire ceremony was over in 30 seconds.
There was no Homage, no prayer, and no God Save the King.
Keith Crawford, chairman of the Spalding Branch of the Royal Naval Association, was understandably disappointed.
Yesterday, I attended the VJ Day service at St Mary and St Nicolas Church in Spalding.
Yet again, only two councillors, Jan Whitbourn and Anthony Casson, attended.
Our MP was missing.
I’ve reflected on this decline in support, and I suspect it’s partly due to the fact that of the 37 elected district councillors, few, if any, have a military background.
However, they are still elected officials, and as such, they have a duty to honour and support military events.
I wonder why the leader of the council, Coun Nick Worth, and the leader of the Independent group, Coun Rob Gibson, have not reminded their members of this responsibility.
The next military event on the calendar is VE Day.
I will be watching closely to see how many councillors show their support.

Rodney Grocock
Public Relations and Recruitment Officer
Spalding Branch
Royal Naval Association

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