LETTERS – Don’t let them drag town down

In response to the letter from Coun Ingrid Sheard (September 12), I appreciate her taking the time to reply and while I have not taken her up on her offer to go for a coffee yet, I look forward to doing so and hopefully her “boss” can join us.
It’s important to me that, even though we fundamentally disagree on many things, we remain polite and courteous. Difference of opinion should be celebrated, but should not be so divisive that we can’t remain on friendly terms.
Without going over old ground, Coun Sheard did say in comments widely reported that if CCTV cannot be “more effective”, we should “give up on it”. These are her own words that can be viewed if you watch the council and Town Forum meetings on Facebook.
Her group leader Coun Rob Gibson has supported that position on social media.
The CCTV network has helped convict over 60 criminals. While it cannot be 100 per cent effective, it is a very good tool and to “give up on it” would be a disaster for South Holland.
The South Holland UKIP throwbacks also try to push the narrative that our town centre is “unsafe” because of a little bit of graffiti.
While graffiti is unsightly, let’s be honest, the reason this particular group of right wing protest politicians are upset is because they disagree with the political statements being written. If it was statements such as “deport immigrants” or “stop the surveillance”, I am sure they would be overjoyed.
Spalding is an incredibly safe place to live. A bit of graffiti won’t change this. Don’t let protest politicians talk you out of going into town because the people who lose are our businesses.
Have you ever wondered how places develop the description as being a “no-go area” that the right wingers can then push in the media?
I wasn’t surprised to see Coun Sheard say that as Reform are doing well she might “give them a buzz”!
It confirms my suspicion that our local band of so called “independent” protest politicians are looking to hop on the next gravy train express so they can try to keep their seats.
Sadly for then, it would appear Reform UK have already signed up a “Dad’s Army” of failed Tory candidates who were either booted off the council at the last election or tried to get elected as Tories but were rejected for being too right wing.
One thing that Coun Sheard and I agree firmly on is that in any election, residents should elect people who actually propose serious and credible solutions to make our community better.
I firmly believe that the policies of Farage have been soundly rejected by the sensible people of South Holland. Instead of voting for politicians who can’t even tell us how removing CCTV will supposedly make Spalding safer, I hope residents will back the people who are determined to keep and enhance the tools we have to continue reducing crime in our district.
I am an enthusiastic supporter of our town centre, and I encourage everyone to try and get into town at least once a week to support our businesses.
With money coming from Government to breathe new life into our town centre and a new Business Improvement District in place to develop new events and drive footfall in town, we will only succeed if we get behind these efforts.
Don’t let the protesters drag our town – and our country – down into the gutter.
Richard Garvie

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