Over the last fortnight on pavements at various locations around Spalding I have been advised by cyclists to get out of their way.
All were male, ranging from schoolboys to mature men.
When informing them pavements are for the use of pedestrians, I have in all cases been told to procreate with someone called off.
Asking our anti-social wardens how many fines they had issued I was surprised to learn, none as it is not in their remit. It is a traffic offence and requires a constable.
All the notices around town appear another waste of our rates.
When was a constable last on foot patrol in town.
A few high profile fines would soon reduce this abuse.
It would appear the eco maniacs have the right idea.
A stroll down the road white line will soon be the safest place to walk in Spalding.
Readers please do not do this.
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