LETTER: Your UKIP leaflet was even rejected as toilet paper!

Dear Paul (Coun Foyster, UKIP),

I have enjoyed our election banter over the last few weeks and thank you for giving me the opportunity to get the last word, which of course I will do – indeed it would be rude not to!

I would correct one area in particular, a little paint does actually go a long way to making the town inviting and is well worth the effort – so well done Holbeach in Bloom for making our town extra special. Painting the Holbeach Tulip, as well as the beacon, welcomes people to our town and has encouraged others such as The Mansion House, who were doing sterling work on their railings the other day. What I was actually proposing was to do up the shop fascias to make them more inviting to shoppers and potential retailers and add to the work of Holbeach in Bloom.

Your leaflet is noticeable for not saying what you have done for the town, other than the recent play equipment – great timing, no doubt in this week’s press, so well done! It is also noticeable for not saying what you will do if elected – but instead just criticises the Conservative administration. Always easy to criticise, less easy to do, especially when there is less and less money to work with.

Like UKIP nationally, I suggest no real ideas or policies for the future of our great town. I should add that my own leaflet clearly states what I have achieved and will do if lucky enough to be elected. Maybe I am just one of those guys who is a glass half-full rather than a glass half-empty.

While on your leaflet I am sure you will remember the lovely lady from Low Road, Holbeach, clearly not a fan of UKIP, but probably not helped when you told her she could use your leaflet as toilet paper. I have to agree that would be a good use, but understand the lady in question actually uses quality paper, so understand her reasoning for none too politely refusing your suggestion! Maybe not a great way to get someone’s vote!Best wishes and look forward to working together for the better of Holbeach after the election “nonsense”, as you call it, is all over.

(Coun Nick Worth, Conservative candidate for Holbeach)

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