Many thanks to all the residents in Spalding West who supported me in the county council election. I was very grateful for your continued support and will do all I can to make sure your concerns are dealt with.
A big thank you to my friends and family and the many people who came forward and offered to deliver leaflets along their road, and beyond. It was a pleasure to meet so many people who are interested in our town and who wanted to make sure their voice was heard at Lincoln.
Also, thanks to the local press for their fair coverage and to poll clerks who worked from 7am to 10pm, often in cramped conditions, counting agents who worked through the night, and all the team at South Holland DC who gave guidance and assistance throughout the campaign.
I undertake to do my very best for you all and continue to hold my regular surgeries, the next one being Saturday, May 27 (10.30am-11.30am) at St John’s Church Lounge.
Coun Angela Newton
Spalding West
Spalding West