LETTER: Let’s make Holbeach a town council

I propose Holbeach should upgrade from a parish to a town council.

We have grown considerably in recent years and are set to host over 2,000 new homes in the near future. We have been the second town in South Holland for a considerable time. In addition central government appears to be set on devolving responsibility on a number of matters and whilst at present there is no clear indication that this will impact the lowest tier of government, it may well happen and it’s important that we are ready.

It’s also a fact that money from developers under section 106, a sort of tax they pay on each new dwelling built, will become available and we must try to ensure it is kept in our town and not used to subsidise district or county budgets or retained for long periods in the coffers of these authorities.

The proposal, if adopted, is not expected to bring about immediate large benefits but a move up to a town council would signify that Holbeach understands its position in the wider district and intends to move forward, making the best of whatever changes come our way and able to take swift advantage of whatever opportunities the future presents.

It is also hoped that this proposal will encourage new and younger people to stand for the town council at the appropriate time and hopefully to draw the town closer together.

A fresh start is desirable and this is one way to achieve it.

New businesses may be more attracted to a “town” than to a “parish”, perception matters. A number of people in Spalding are already considering establishing a town council there, separate from South Holland District Council and thus able to compete better for the funds their ratepayers need.

Our parish is already one of the largest in England, it’s time we started to think of ourselves as something bigger and better. The outlying villages will continue to have the same number of representatives on a town council and their influence is essential, so many services in Holbeach are used by our near neighbours.

Doctors, dentists, local businesses, the supermarkets and many clubs and charities operate from the town. It will be up to the village ward members to make sure their residents are fully represented, as indeed they already do.
It is not anticipated there would be any significant increase in costs to our own ratepayers.

This is only a proposal, members will be able to vote on it at the next meeting.

Coun Paul Foyster
Holbeach parish and district councillor

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