LETTER: In response to previous EU letters

I guess it is getting time to put the referendum debate behind us, but difficult after reading some of your letters column of July 14!

Quick comments on a few letters:

Andrew Parks worries whether Mrs May can be trusted with Brexit negotiations. Well she’s put senior Brexiteers in the key posts charged with working on it. Now it’s in their hands to prove it’ll all be as straightforward as they said during the campaign. Let’s hope they succeed.

Mr Knight has had “enough of all this negativity” and spends half his letter on exaggeratedly negative remarks about the EU, dumping the usual blame on the unelected civil servants of the EU, instead of on our elected representatives to it. The civil servants are not the ones who legislate the rules, and they do not enforce the austerity measures he talks about.

As for Robert Arnold, he sounds as if he had steam coming out of his ears when he wrote his diatribe against Mr Turp. It seemed also that he was with Alice on the wrong side of the looking glass when he talked about the lies uttered during the campaign. It’s true that there were some on both sides, but a fair analysis would surely show that the weight of them was from the Leavers, not the Remainers. The vituperative tone of his letter against Mr Turp was completely unwarranted – the sort of thing that suggests its originator may be a bit short on facts. So, Mr Arnold, do calm down a bit dear!

Finally, whilst it’s true the Leavers had the majority in the referendum, it was only by a few percentage points.

Please don’t talk as if the Remainers did not exist, when the difference in the vote was so small.

The 16million odd are still as much there as the 17million odd.

John Tippler

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