LETTER: Has police policy changed?

Has police policy changed?

After observing what is going on around town and in my street in the last couple of weeks, it has come to my attention that I have not seen any police cars cruising the streets, only PCSOs a couple of times.

I also used to see officers walking down our street, but none have been seen of late.

Also brought to my attention is the amount of people I now see using their phones ie texting, reading messages or taking a call holding the phone to their ear, while driving. Many of the drivers are looking down at their lap – it is pretty obvious this is what they are doing, and travelling some distance before looking up to see where they are.

I am surprised that they manage to stay on the road the distance some of them travel, but I’m sure it’s not going to be long before I see one wrapped around a tree.

Speeding in my street has also increased dramatically. It is a built up area with a 30mph speed limit, but some use it as a race track, riding and driving at breakneck speed, not standing a chance if anyone pulls out of a give way in front of them.

I’ve also observed overtaking twice this week, and twice while approaching and passing a give way. It is idiotic driving.

I call again for speed cameras or speed bumps to be put in on Park Road near to the give way at Speyer Avenue, as this part of Park Road is straight and clear most of the time and where drivers tend to put their foot down, from the crossing Pinchbeck Road end.

Now not leaving out or forgetting the ongoing annoying lawless cyclists. They are also getting worse. There is a large number of them also reading messages and texting while cycling. Some idiots also cycle no handed while doing it – it is insane.

But with no police presence to deter them from acting in this manner it will only get worse and clearly is doing.

And we now have this ridiculous Pokémon Go taking the attention of many people – drivers, cyclists and pedestrians. This certainly is going to be partly to blame for someone getting killed or seriously injured on our streets.

Mr N Bingham

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