LETTER: Fed up with negativity over aged

I read with interest your report in the Spalding Voice, June 14 (Older population services threat).

This report relates to the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health that looks into age profiles and predictions of changes in population in the country might be described as Apocalyptic Demography.

This term used is basically suggesting that due to the ageing population and people living longer there is more of an impact on services and the economy. This is not only at Lincolnshire County level, but national.

I am totally fed up with the negative and profoundly damaging images of older people that continues to be played out by the mass media in Britain. This includes portrayal that old people are a drain on society’s resources and are a burden to the younger generation.

Some people even think that old people should not be allowed to vote, how obscene is that?

There is also another myth, that retired people are well off because of their big fat pension incomes. Coverage like this creates resentment and supports discrimination against older people.

Age is a number and older people still have energy, knowledge, skills, and wisdom from which society could benefit from. Many older people make positive unpaid contributions which communities could not survive without.

It’s such a shame that many people think they would be better off passing away in service, before retirement because they are worried about affordability of retirement or do not want to be a burden on friends and family.

This is so wrong in a country where we should be looking after our older population, not blaming them for the state of the country.

Most people have worked hard and paid into the system all their working lives and deserve a long and happy retirement. Also care for the elderly should be paid for pre-retirement not by the current system.

Let’s end the myths that are peddled by the media and replace them by some positive coverage and pledges from any government in office. Look after our elderly, give them the care, dignity and respect that they have earned and deserve.

Bring back the care for the elderly under local authority and increase the state pension so nobody has to worry or fear poverty in retirement. We cannot rely on the Sustainability and Transformation Plan footprints, these will only be used to slash, trash and privatise our NHS even further.

Rodney Sadd
Carrington Road

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