LETTER: Don’t let voting apathy be the winner at General Election

Reflecting on the disappointing local election results, it appears that apathy, confusion or both have won the day along with the Conservatives.

Using Lincolnshire as an example, 68.02 per cent of registered voters did not make the effort to vote; in other words, 375,974 eligible voters declined to use their right to make positive change to their local communities. This figure is shocking and needs to be addressed. Historically, it is well known that the Conservatives (Tories) tend to succeed best when electoral turnout is low.
There are a number of reason for poor turn out. It is possible that constituents were not registered to vote or that they were physically unable to do so. I urge all to register to vote and remind readers that the deadline to do so prior to the General Election is May 22. https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/607718/Register_to_vote_living_in_england_and_wales.pdf

I also recommend that all consider applying for a postal vote to ensure that their vote is counted in case they are unable to cast it on polling day https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/519324/Postal-Vote-Application-Form.pdf
A further reason for apparent voter apathy is the “election fatigue” or the misguided rationale that their vote will not affect the outcome. It is obvious from the graphic, kindly provided by Lincolnshire County Council, that this fallacy could not be further from the truth.

Perhaps voters are unaware of the good works the council does or could do had budgets not been cut by 40 per cent since 2010 by the Lib Dem/Conservative and Conservative governments respectively. Perhaps they subscribe to the appalling self-serving attitude prevalent among many whereby they are only concerned with their own wellbeing. It’s also possible that they don’t think that anything will change regardless of the dominant political party.

It is also possible that the local community feel let down by all the political parties and it is an ill-advised vote of protest similar to that of many in the EU referendum.
It is important to note that whether or not we engage in politics it affects every single aspect of our lives, though we may not be aware of it. We all have issues that need to be addressed and our voices will not be heard if we make the choice not to vote.

Whatever the (lack of) motivation, it needs to be addressed and quickly before the crucial General Election on June 8. Do not let apathy win!
Finally, I strongly suggest that you analyse all the pledges offered by the parties and reflect on recent promises made prior to the General Election 2015 and the EU referendum last year.
I have already laid out some of my reasons for voting for the Labour Party (Mail, May 4) and I encourage you to see whether they also apply to your good selves.

Georgina Harrison
Secretary, South Holland and The Deepings CLP
Horseshoe Road, Spalding

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