Leading duo Prior and Scourfield both on winning form at Welland Yacht Club

Mark Scourfield and Andy Prior shared the wins out as Welland Yacht Club members contested three more races on Sunday.

A healthy turnout of 12 boats took to the water for race one, which was the third in the Morning Points Series.

Prior, in the Laser full rig, sailed away nicely from the start, with Andy Agar (OK dinghy) close behind and the Solos of Scourfield, Martin Cook and Helen Boyd just behind.

Prior rounded the third buoy followed by Gerri van Haren (Phantom), who had recovered from a rough start. But, with the wind filling in from the rear, the chasing boats closed on the leaders.

In the end it was Prior who crossed the line first followed by van Haren and Scourfield, with Keiron Powell (Laser full rig) behind in fourth.

After the handicaps were applied Prior was the clear winner, with Scourfield in second and Boyd promoted to third.

Race two was also in the Morning Points Series, with Scourfield first away followed by Prior and Powell.

By the time the first turning buoy was reached it was Prior, followed by van Haren, who had both managed to overtake Scourfield with Cox and Powell chasing behind.

The places did not change significantly as two laps were completed this time, with van Haren crossing the line first followed by Prior, who was unable to shake off Scourfield in third.

After the handicaps were applied it was Scourfield who took first place a minute ahead of Prior, with Cox in third.

With the wind continuing to steadily increase the course was changed to allow a longer sail for race three, which was in the Autumn Points Series.

It was the Graduate of Neil Tack and Rebecca Slator who judged the start perfectly to sail to the front, with Powell, Scourfield and Cox in close attendance.

It was Powell who managed to take and then hold on to the lead and he crossed the line first, with Scourfield not far behind and Cox in third.

When the handicaps were applied it was Scourfield who had managed to secure first place by 20 seconds from Powell, with Martin Cook in third place.

Anyone wanting to find out more about sailing should contact the club via email [email protected].

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