The legacy of community kindness during the pandemic is set to create a new ‘green heart’ for Spalding.
The Spalding COVID Kindness Team is rebranding as the South Holland Kindness Project and is hoping to transform an outdoor space into a new community project.

It’s hoping the space will become home to a range of groups and organisations while providing a natural area for allotments or for school projects.
“It would be a green outdoor space and I think lockdown has taught us the value of outside spaces and how important they are,” said Keira Williamson, founder of the Kindness Team.
“We want the space to be open for the whole community to use and enjoy. It will be central and we want as many groups and organisations as possible to enjoy it,” she added.
It is hoped that coffee mornings could be hosted at the site along with a wide range of other activities.
Schools will be invited to make use of the space while allotments will also be created for the community.
“The site we have in mind is on a main bus route as well so if it all goes through we will be able to host a variety of things which can be accessed,” added Keira (pictured).

Schools will also be asked to contribute to the space with projects such as creating bug hotels to encourage wildlife to the area.
It is also hoped that something along the lines of the Men’s Shed organisation can be encouraged to get involved.
“The kindness project has seen children involved along with older people so the green hub will be something for all ages,” said Keira.
The organisation is also aiming to become a registered charity which would enable the possibility of grant funding.
The group would welcome help and donations for the green space as soon as it has finalised the details and can reveal the location.
Information will be posted on the South Holland Kindness page on Facebook and offers of help or donation can be made by calling 01775 302103.