Hospital requires improvements

Holbeach Hospital has been rated as ‘requires improvement’ for the third time by the Care Quality Commission.

The nursing home was found to be ‘good’ in three key areas, and ‘requires improvement’ in two, along with its overall status.
The home, which can support up to 47 people, provides beds for residential care, local GP referrals and reablement beds.
“The risks to people’s safety were not always well managed and lessons were not always learned to reduce risks to people’s safety,” says the report.
“The service was, at times, short of staff, however the provider was working to improve recruitment of new staff.
“More positively, people’s medicines were well managed, and the service was clean with staff showing good knowledge of infection prevention and control practices.
“People lived in a well-maintained environment and the provider continued to work to improve the building for the people who lived there,” the report added.
The inspection also noted that nutritional health was well-managed and people were supported to have maximum choice and control of their lives and staff supported them in ‘the least restrictive way possible.’
“Staff supporting people were kind and caring and treated people with respect. People were supported to see their family and friends and to take part in social activities at the service.”
The inspection rated effectiveness, care and responsiveness as ‘Good.’
Safety and leadership were both awarded ‘Requires Improvement,’ as a result.
“There was not always clear learning from events at the service. One person who was at risk of falls had sustained seven falls in a period of seven weeks. This included two falls in one day when attempting to move from their chair to their bed. A sensor mat had not been put in place until after their fifth fall,” said the report.
The last rating for the hospital, in November 2021, was also rated as ‘Requires Improvement.’
Inspectors noted that the provider had worked to address concerns raised during the inspection.
“Some bedrooms contained wardrobes which were not fixed to the wall and this posed a risk to people at the service. We highlighted this to the deputy manager who addressed the issue following our visit,” the inspector said.
A spokesman for the East Elloe Trust said: “Trustees were pleased that the inspection team acknowledged that the service was good with regard to its effectiveness, was caring and responsive.
“The dedicated and hard work of the staff was recognised by both residents and their families.”
They continued that “a shortfall in training has been rectified” and were looking at more financial rewards to attract and retain staff.
“The weakness’s identified with regard to the service being safe and well led have been accepted by the Trustees and since the inspection many of the issues have been resolved.
“Whilst disappointed that the overall rating of the facility remains at Requires Improvement the Trustees see the inspection as having been a positive experience and one which will allow them to focus on implementing the necessary changes required to see the rating moves to at least good when the next inspection takes place.”
lTurn to page 8 for a full response from the East Elloe Trust.

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