Time is being called at a Spalding pub heading for conversion to residential flats.
Fortunes of The Vine in Commercial Road have fluctuated recently, and now plans have been drawn up to make it into five one-bedroom homes.
RS Properties has applied to South Holland District Council for a change of use for the property.
Little would change to the look of the building from the exterior, with the current front and rear accesses remaining.
Spalding firm Remway Design says in planning documents: “In view of the proximity to the other town centre pubs, the loss of this facility should not be considered problematic.
“Due to the surrounding residential properties, there has been numerous complaints rising from the use of the beer garden in the evening and weekends.”
However, Spalding and District Civic Society says those complaints indicate that the pub is still viable and the loss of another local establishment would be regrettable.
The society’s planning officer John Charlesworth also claims five flats is too many for the size of the building.
He said: “Trying to cram five flats into the premises we believe will produce unacceptable living conditions for the future residents.”
He added: “If the authority is minded to grant change of use, then we urge that the present conversion proposals be withdrawn and resubmitted for three flats.”
A decision on the application to South Holland District Council is due by mid-September.
Meanwhile, the owners of Grenoble Rest Home, in Cowbit Road, which closed this month have applied for HMO (home of multiple occupancy) permission.
Sarah Corlett said, if successful, the property would be marketed either as a family home with rear annexe or as a ready-made business with the HMO permission.
Some staff from the former care home have followed residents to Bungalow Rest Home in Park Road.
Abbeygate Rest Homes has also offered positions to some staff which lost their jobs.