Poor weather dogged the fifth round of Spalding Cycling Club’s ten mile time trial league – but there was no change to the top trio of finishers.
Neil Palmer (23.41mins), Chris Ward (23.51mins) and under-18 Sam Bentley in (24.37mins) once again set the pace, with Tilly Gurney the first lady home and top female under-16 racer in 29.58mins.
Sophie Wright was second under-16 lady with 35.04mins, while Jake Norton, Will Gurney and Matt Ellis made up the under-16 boys’ event recording 27.11mins (believed to be a PB), 30.25mins and 30.29mins respectively.
There was also a strong ride from Ed Holliday – who improved by one second on last week’s PB time to 25.15mins in fourth overall.
Mark Hills, Spalding’s newest member, clocked 28.47mins for 18th overall.
p Spalding Cycling Club’s recent ‘Go Ride’ invitation events have gone down a storm with local riders.
Youngsters from Boston Wheelers, Bourne Wheelers and Fenland Clarion – all aged between five and 16 years old – have made up healthy fields of between 30 and 40 for each event.
A new team of organisers, led by Megan Kendall with Sophie Wright and Tilly Gurney, supported club coaches Chris Peel and Shane Norton to provide some exciting and testing events.
Peel and Norton co-ordinated the events for the older riders, while the girls spent time mentoring and helping the younger ones.
All riders received a memento from the event, while Spalding’s catering team, led by Fiona Gurney, helped raise money for the Lincs Air Ambulance.
- Last week’s article about Spalding CC’s Sportive contained an error for which the club’s press officer would like to apologise.
The article referred to the work stand being donated by Cycle Wright when in fact it was Terry Wrights in Market Deeping.