Extra students for Academy

Spalding Academy is set to expand by up to another 150 students as the town continues to grow.

Plans have been submitted for a new eight-classroom teaching block at the site and will allow growth of 30 pupils a year over the next five years or so.

The academy has been identified for additional places to meet the county council’s obligation to ensure enough places in the county as new housing puts pressure on existing numbers.

The planned expansion would also create 18 new jobs at the school, which would have a total roll of 1,500 by September 2027.

“The addition of a further eight new classrooms is considered the best way to provide the accommodation required for the increased capacity and to provide modern, appropriate teaching facilities,” says a design and access statement submitted with the application to South Holland District Council.

The new two-storey building is likely to be constructed on the eastern side of the school site, adjacent to the boundary with The Priory School, says the statement.

If approved, building work would start this summer with a build time of ten months to see it open for September 2022.

The new block would not have any impact on plans already under way for an extension to the music block and new changing rooms.

“Being able to provide school places locally will reduce the likelihood of pupils having to be transported to alternative schools outside the local area,” says the statement.

“The careful siting of this proposal has been considered so as to not impede on sports pitch areas, or areas which could be utilised for sporting activities, however the school does benefit from a great deal of playing fields and sports grounds,” it adds.

The area allocated for development was previously used to teach bricklaying, but the site is currently unused.

If approved, the new building would include the eight classrooms along with a staff room, server room, plant room, toilets and a store. It would be fully accessible and include a lift.

Only the server room would be air conditioned with the rest of the building using low energy LED lighting and underfloor heating.

The school currently has 141 full and part-time staff and has two staff car parks with sufficient space for extra parking as a result of the expansion.

Access will be via the main entrance at the end of Neville Avenue.

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