Children are being offered a good start in life thanks to a Long Sutton pre-school.
Cinder Ash pre-school has been praised by education watchdog Ofsted for providing a stimulating environment which enables children to become active and independent learners.
Inspectors who visited the pre-school in September rated Cinder Ash “good” across the board and said all that was standing between it and an outstanding rating was the need to enhance an outdoor area to further develop learning opportunities for the youngsters.
The report has been welcomed by the chairman of the pre-school’s committee Nicola Cooper.
She said: “The committee is delighted with our long over due inspection result.
“We work closely together and with the staff to ensure we can provide the best possible start for children.”
“Together with our new manager, Sarah, we are already making plans for future changes. It’s exciting!”
In the pre-school’s report, Ofsted inspectors highlighted good teaching by staff, who organise the setting to provide a stimulating learning environment.
Children’s communication and language development is promoted and effective systems are in place to assess children’s progress.
Staff were also praised for being kind and caring and the setting was described as calm and relaxing, while the children are always kept busy and occupied, resulting in good behaviour.
Good health and hygiene is also promoted and children learn how to keep themselves safe in a variety of situations.
The Ofsted rating means the pre-school has now become an approved provider of funded places for eligible two-year-olds.
Some two year olds, including those whose parents are on income support or Job Seeker’s Allowance and those who have a statement of special educational needs, can receive 15 hours of free childcare per week during term time.
The pre-school opens Monday to Friday during term time and sessions are held from 9am to noon and noon until 3pm every day except Monday.
For more information about Cinder Ash, go to its website at www. cinderashpreschool.co.uk