A Spalding gym is supporting the community throughout the coronavirus crisis by offering live online workouts and a meal delivery service.
Since the announcement was made that gyms would be forced to close, Definitions Health and Fitness instantly adapted to support its members and the wider community by offering free online workouts via Facebook Live.
Definitions’ Jack Smith, believes it’s essential for people to have the opportunity to continue working out whilst self isolating and working from home – not only for the physical benefits and to keep healthy – but also for the mental health benefits.

Jack said: “People often use the gym and exercise as a way of escaping from busy and stressful lives and now is a time when many need it more than ever.
“The majority of people are usually fairly active, probably without even realising, while going about their daily lives.
“Walking their children to school, walking from the car park to the office or place of work.
“These workouts will provide the opportunity for people to continue to keep active.”
The workouts follow a fully qualified personal trainer with over 10 years’ experience in the fitness industry, giving people structured workouts safely using everyday items within their home to train.
The workouts are live on Facebook four days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday) at 7pm but can also be viewed any other time by visiting the Definitions Health and Fitness Facebook page.

Jack will also be updating the Facebook page with help and advice throughout this difficult period.
Prior to COVID-19, Project 7, which is a sister company to Definitions, has been supplying customers with prepared healthy meals.
The meals are delivered to the customers frozen and ready to microwave.
There are a range of meals available from chicken sausages, green beans and sweet potato mash to lasagne and cottage pie.
Snacks including brownies, flapjacks and peanut butter cups can also be ordered.
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, Project 7 has been offering free delivery to NHS staff and blue light workers and the elderly and vulnerable.
Jack, founder of Project 7, said: “Providing healthy and nutritious meals has always been a passion of mine as I enjoy giving people tailored personal training in a gym setting, but people sometimes do not realise the importance of the food element.
“Since the outbreak of COVID-19, I have stepped up production of the meals we produce from our kitchen using fresh ingredients in order to make them available to the wider public during this difficult period.
“We are able to deliver meals to people’s doorsteps with no need for personal contact.

“We are also donating brownies to local care homes to help improve moral of residents and care workers and are currently exploring ways to help supply NHS staff.”
Menus can be viewed and ordered via the Project 7 Facebook page, seven days a week. Jack can be contacted on 07776 060909.