County council candidates for South Holland divisions appeal for YOUR vote

The election for Lincolnshire County Council is taking place on Thursday, May 4.

Residents across the nine South Holland divisions go to the polling stations to decide the member who will represent them at the highest tier of local government for the next four years.

We invited all 33 candidates to address you, The Voice readers, on why they deserve your vote. Each candidate was given the opportunity to submit a maximum of 50 words.

There will be 70 councillors elected to 70 single-member divisions on Lincolnshire County Council – seven fewer than the current position, following a review of electoral arrangements.
Current political make-up of the council: Conservative 37; Labour 12; UK Independence Party 9; Lincolnshire Independents 7; Liberal Democrat 4; Independent 4, Independence from Europe 3; one vacancy.

James Finister (Liberal Democrat): I’ve spent over half my life living in agricultural areas, seeing at first hand the challenges we face as the world around us changes. My working life has given me very practical insights into law and order, government policy and the realities of doing business in an inherently international economy.
Darryl Kirk (Labour): Our NHS is in serious trouble nationally as well as locally. Labour created the NHS and will always support the NHS. Did you know that in 1948 the then Conservative Party voted many times against its creation? If elected I will fight for our NHS both nationally and locally.
Nigel Pepper* (Conservative): I have lived and worked locally all my life, have an in-depth knowledge of the area and residents having previously been a parish councillor, district councillor, county councillor and firefighter. I do not let politics get in the way and do not make promises that cannot be kept.
Rodney Grocock (Conservative): Vote for me and I will deliver my 3-point local plan. Better street lighting to keep our residents safe. Tackling eyesores such as The Red Lion in Donington, tackling litter and dog fouling to keep the community of Donington Rural a pleasure to live, work and raise a family in.
Jane King (Independent): I am Jane King and I have been a district councillor for the last six years and would like the opportunity to represent you at Lincolnshire County Council. I think it’s very important that you live in and work in the wards you represent, as your concerns are my concerns.
Richard Mair (Labour): My name is Richard Mair. I live in Lincoln with my wife and children, where I work as an architect. As local councillor, I would fight to make sure the right things are prioritised – street lighting, waste recycling, properly maintained roads, social care for the disabled and elderly and children’s centres.
Paul Foyster (UKIP): I promise to put Holbeach and the villages before any other political priority, including my own party policy. We are one of the worst funded counties, that needs to change. Let’s vote to extract the best possible outcome from Brexit for our community. It’s time to move forward.
Helena Mair (Labour): My name is Helena Mair I am a local councillor in Lincoln.
In 2016 I ran a successful campaign to save Lincolnshire’s children’s centres from closure and over 2,700 families made contact so as a councillor I would put young children and families at the heart of communities and local services.
Nick Worth* (Conservative): Local and accountable. I have delivered on my promise to get a roundabout at Peppermint Junction (work starts May 8th), a new footpath at Skinners Chase and helped to deliver community facilities in our villages. If elected my focus will be Holbeach High Street and new medical facilities for the town.
Peter Coupland (Conservative):  I have lived in the area all my life with extensive local knowledge of the area, its people and their rural ways of life. I will be a strong voice to ensure our area gets the investment it needs from County Hall particularly relating to roads, services and sea defences.
Philip Hammersley (Liberal Democrat): I have been resident in South Lincolnshire for 11 years. And as an experienced former teacher I believe I have the knowledge and skills needed to fight for better standards of education for all our children. By contrast, voting Conservative will mean no change.
Lucinda Preston (Labour): For the past fifteen years I have worked as a secondary school English teacher. I have lived in Lincolnshire all my life and have strong connections across the county. I have a good understanding of local issues; if elected I would hold regular surgeries to support residents.
Also standing: Robert Gibson (UKIP)
Richard Fairman* (UKIP): My work over the last four years as your representative at County Council has been to scrutinise many activities of the ruling group. On many of their projects I have had a hand on the tiller, usually well accepted with good humour and good grace.
Karen Lee (Labour): My name is Karen Lee, I am currently a local councillor and NHS nurse. I have a strong family connection with Spalding, I visit regularly and have a good understanding of local issues. I am readily contactable by phone and email. If elected I would hold regular surgeries in Spalding.
Eddy Poll (Conservative): Democracy works best when we’re represented by local people who share the same issues, are readily accessible, and have an interest in their area. As the only candidate who lives in this division I believe my commitment, integrity and experience make me the best choice to be your County Councillor.
Kathleen Tanner (Liberal Democrat): My aim is to give the electors of Spalding East a chance to elect a more competent administration. The Spalding area needs more affordable housing, opportunities for young people, and better communications. I think that the problems for health and social care should be addressed in these rural areas.
Martin Blake (Green Party): Greens believe in a future where the rich pay their fair share, there is adequate affordable housing, new developments respond to the community’s needs and wildlife and the environment are protected. We believe in diverting spending from vanity projects like HS2 into local services which the Conservatives have decimated.
Mark Currier (Liberal Democrat): Government action, at all levels, should strive to achieve equal opportunity and equality for all. Satisfying the needs of all in society, especially the neediest, should be the primary purpose of policy. In education, at county level we should work to ensure national education policies do genuinely benefit all learners.
Douglas Dickens (Independent): Councillors are required to scrutinise all aspects of council business. This is what I do.
I will scrutinise everything to ensure best value services and correct levels of central government funding to meet the needs of all sections of society.
John Grocock (Labour): John is a Lincolnshire lad and he’s for Spalding Elloe.
Spalding Elloe deserves better than it’s getting, paying more council tax for less public services – why should we do that? The NHS is struggling to cope locally, with services threatened by more reviews and downgrading. Vote Labour on 4th May.
Elizabeth Sneath* (Conservative): I offer residents a common sense approach to local politics. With strong links in the community and businesses, farming and my local knowledge I have a deep understanding of our rural issues. I love living in South Holland and want to preserve and protect all that is good about it.
Also standing: Emily Bates (UKIP)
Andrew Bowell (Labour): Spalding is suffering under Tory council cuts, and desperately needs change. Services need to be improved, grot spots cleaned up, and the town centre rejuvenated. I will work for you, the people of Spalding, and fight for these changes to make the town a better place to live and work.
Christine Lawton (Conservative): Vote for me for an honest, hard-working and experienced district councillor who lives, volunteers and shops in our community. A strong Conservative presence is vital at this significant period for our country and county and I look forward to serving the residents of Spalding South.
Jordan Swallow (Liberal Democrat): As a family man, living with my partner and our son in Spalding, I see one of the biggest priorities to be the betterment of the lives of our youth. This may be best achieved by raising the standards of education provision and working to help strengthen the local economy.
Also standing: Pete Williams (UKIP)
Angela Newton* (Independent): 1. Be a listening, active councillor
2. Consulting residents, working together,
3. Support: More visual policing in Spalding enforcing anti-social behaviour, litter, crime
Better footpaths, cyclepaths and roads, weight limit in residential areas
Speed up new Spalding Western Relief Road.
Extra inter town bus routes & bus to hospital
Gary Taylor (Conservative): As the only candidate living in the Spalding West area, I believe that puts me in an excellent position to understand and tackle local concerns. I have a proven record of working with partners to benefit the community.  
I have the experience, energy and enthusiasm to face the fresh challenges of the future.
Also standing: Wojciech Stanislaw (Labour)
Chris Brewis* (Independent): Being independent allows me to judge issues without central party control. I promise to produce occasional newsletters, at my own expense. I will take up problems and issues for people, in complete confidentiality. Above all I live in, and care enormously about ‘The Suttons’. Please give me your support.
Jack Tyrrell (Conservative): It’s not too difficult for me to decide to become a county councillor. A number of items the county are responsible for I would like to be involved with – fire service, protecting vulnerable adults, and roads and transport. I care about the people and place I live in.
Also standing: Paul Gowen (Labour)
* denotes sitting councillor

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