A councillor says he will meet with clubs that use the Castle Sports Complex pool following a U-turn on its revamp.
The leisure centre is set for a renovation which was initially due to include a moveable floor, something that the South Lincs Swimming Club and Spalding Water Polo Club had requested for competitive sport.
However the clubs have now been told that due to spiralling costs and the ground conditions, that won’t happen.
Coun Mark Le Sage, who is also a member of Spalding Water Polo Club, raised the issue at a full council meeting and asked for representatives from the council to meet the clubs before Christmas ‘to allay their fears’.
Coun Gary Taylor, portfolio holder for the delivery of the Castle Sports Complex, said he was pleased that the new proposals would go before its planning committee for determination in January when it was proposed to have done so in November.
“Before then we’ll work with the project team to answer questions and allay concerns,” he said. “We need to listen to feedback and arrange some dates.”
Coun Ingrid Sheard told the meeting she’d spoken to people who’d finished working at the Castle Sports that had been ‘disappointed and dismayed’ at the delay as they could have continued.
Coun Taylor responded that it was the first he’d heard of it.
“There’s not been a major delay. It’s only been a few weeks.
“It’s a shame they have these concerns but please ask them to contact me and we’ll try to deal with that as we need local businesses and staff to get behind this project.
“It’s important and we need it to be successful.
“We can reassure them it’s not a major delay.”
He also stated that the indoor gym and exercise classes will migrate to Boston College’s Red Lion Campus for the duration of works to the building and that there ‘will be no gap in swimming provision’.
“The old pool will close and the new one open the next day,” he said.