Council leaders’ concerns over lack of transparency for vaccine roll out plans

Local council leaders are continuing to call for greater transparency over the roll out of the COVID-19 vaccine in Lincolnshire.

Leader of South Holland District Council, Lord Gary Porter last night (Wednesday) apologised to district residents as he’d not been able to find out more information about NHS plans.

And this morning the leader of Lincolnshire County Council, Coun Martin Hill, published an open letter to the government calling for greater transparency.

As previously reported, The Voice has been told by an NHS spokesperson that “the Astra Zeneca/Oxford vaccine will start to be rolled out to ‘Primary Care’ services in Lincolnshire by ‘later this week’, though Lord Porter expressed his doubts that would include South Holland.

Last night he tweeted: “This is getting to be a habit, I find myself saying sorry to the people of South Holland again.

“I tried to find out at LOEB (Lincolnshire Outbreak Engagement Board) meeting today what the plan is for rolling out the AZ vaccine, when,where, how many.

“But after an hour and a half all I have been told is, there is a plan.”

He continued: “Apparently ex GPS, ex Nurses, vets Dentists, Chemists and military staff can’t administer the AZ jab, because the regulator won’t let them. Seems to me someone needs to have a ‘chat’ with the regulator if this is the case.”

Coun Hill’s open letter to Secretary of State for Health and Care, states: “I am writing to you in my capacity as Chairman of Lincolnshire Outbreak Engagement Board with the support of all Local Authority Leader’s in Lincolnshire.

“We have been impressed by the proactive work of local NHS colleagues with the early delivery of both the Pfizer and Astra Zeneca vaccines to the local population.

“This puts Lincolnshire in a very good starting position for the vital work of getting the population protected so that hopefully, we can finally put the problems behind us.

“As Local Government, we are very keen to support Lincolnshire NHS to continue their good work but also help with local messages of support and clarification. However, this support is very much being constrained by national edicts which are apparently preventing local managers from sharing details of their local delivery plans with us.

“As you are well aware, there will be an understandable demand from the public to understand when and where they can expect their vaccinations and to attempt to cover the plans in a veil of secrecy makes no sense to them or us and will only undermine confidence and patience locally.

“I think everyone understands that plans can change and delivery sometimes fall short of expectation but the answer surely must be clarity and transparency so the public at least understand the challenges and ambition and will then be supportive and understanding.

“I hope that you will be able intervene and remove this unfortunate blockage.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson is due to address the nation tonight (Thursday) where it’s been reported he will make a further announcement on the roll out of the vaccine.

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