South Holland District Council says it has reduced NHS admissions from its sheltered housing schemes by 32 per cent after a raft of changes to the service.
That follows a review commissioned in 2022 and delivered over the past year.
Among the new measures are the introduction of a new Independent Living Team, the creation of a ‘handyperson’ service, community wi-fi and digital monitoring of homes.
The district council says attendance at community centres has increased by 63 per cent and ambulance call outs have reduced by 41 per cent.
“South Holland District Council is celebrating the remarkable success of its sheltered housing service transformation, which has made significant improvements to the quality of life for older and vulnerable tenants across the district,” a spokesman said.
Coun Tracey Carter, portfolio holder for strategic and operational housing at South Holland District Council, said: “This transformation has been life-changing for many of our sheltered tenants.
“By investing in modern technology and a proactive support network, we are ensuring our residents can live independently, safely, and with dignity.
“The results speak for themselves — this is a service that puts people first and delivers real impact.”