COLUMN: Tulip Talk with Jan Whitbourn

We recently enjoyed a most interesting hour in our studios as we spoke to Chris Simpkins, director general of the Royal British Legion, the organisers of the annual Poppy Appeal.

Chris has been Chief Executive of South Holland District Council followed by a spell as Chief Executive of the Falkland Islands.

In 2007 he took up his post with the RBL initially on a three year appointment.

Chris told us of the extremely busy year the Legion has had ranging from the D-Day 70 commemoration in Normandy which was the last time that veterans from that campaign will have gathered to honour the memory of the fallen comrades.

He detailed some of the preparations and events that took place over that momentous week in June.

We spoke of the immense pride and humility the veterans showed when being honoured by the French and the happy memories, tinged with sadness many who attended brought back home with them.

The main event of each year is the poppy appeal which culminated on Tuesday with solemn ceremonies of remembrance all around the world.

The legion is a truly worldwide organisation with branches in many countries, all of whom collect millions of pounds to help the charity in its aims to provide help and support for all ex armed forces members and their families.

He explained some of the work that the legion undertakes every year and underlined that whatever and wherever the conflict, the legion will be there to provide help and support for servicemen and women and their families for the rest of their lives.

We couldn’t have spent an hour with Chris without mentioning the unique, breathtaking and awe inspiring art installation recently on display at the Tower of London.

In this, the 100th anniversary of the outbreak of World War One, each of 884,000 poppies represents one life lost by Allied Forces during that conflict.

Jan is one of the volunteers who spent a day there planting the ceramic poppies in the moat of the Tower of London. The work of art attracted record numbers of tourists and left many in tears, overcome by the sheer power of this exhibit.

There was so much to talk about but the insight Chris Simpkins gave us about the wonderful work of the RBL prompted us to think and give thanks again for the sacrifices made on our behalf by our servicemen to allow us all the freedom we enjoy today.

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