Changes at the top for council

South Holland District Council has a busy year ahead which should see some major schemes well under way.

As council leader Nick Worth marks a year since taking over the role, it’s the coming 12 months which should see some real changes in the district.
Praising his colleagues, Coun Worth (pictured) said it had been a busy year which had set the foundations for some big changes.
“You’ve been a great bunch. None of us can achieve this without us working together. Let’s hope we can continue to achieve in the future,” he told members at the council’s annual meeting last week.
There was also a moneysaving reshuffle which saw the appointment of one deputy leader, Paul Redgate. The role was previously shared by members Tracey Carter and Gary Taylor.
The move was purely financial and Coun Worth said Coun Redgate’s business background would benefit the authority.
He said both his former deputies had ‘big portfolios’ and the change was no reflection on either of them.
Coun Carter heads communities and operational housing while Coun Taylor heads-up strategic housing, leisure centre delivery and town improvement.
The year has also seen ongoing work with the markets team, with new gazebos, and holding the first teenage markets for future traders.
Coun Worth also told the meeting there had been an increased number of fines and prosecutions for anti-social behaviour, fly tipping and littering with the envrocrime team.
Reflecting on his first year as leader, Coun Worth said he was determined to ensure there was action, not just words.
He said the provision of 76 new homes by the council and Welland Homes had been an illustration of the work put in over the year.
He added that the creation of a new housing transformation team will help deliver a new strategy with tenants at the forefront of decision making.
The area was also benefiting from improving council assets, including car parking ticket machines, and the installation of defibrillators in Spalding.
Coun Worth also highlighted the extensive programme of works to 14 community centres.
He said the new tennis courts at Ayscoughfee Hall were also part of the improvements.

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