Campaign launched to house Spalding homeless couple

A Spalding woman and her daughter have launched an appeal in the hope they’ll be able to get a homeless couple somewhere to live by Christmas.

Stephanie Lamont and her daughter, Clementine Cousins, have launched a Justgiving donations page online which people can use to give money to help homeless couple Jane and Jason Paul.

Stephanie is hoping to raise £5,000 to cover an initial chunk of rent to get them a home.

Jane and Jason are currently living in a tent in Spalding.

Jane, who knits in the town centre, said that Jason suffers from epilepsy and because they don’t have an address, he is having to go without his medication.

The couple said that since they became homeless they have been subject to two attacks. Jane said that on Monday night, they again had their tent “flattened” by vandals, who she said also damaged their property and spoiled their food with liquid. Jane said that as a result, the tent is now ripped.

The first time this happened, Jane said they saw the group of youngsters responsible.

The couple are originally from Peterborough and have been homeless in Spalding since August.

Fundraiser Stephanie said that this week is One World Week, the theme of which this year is “good neighbours”.

“All neighbours should be helping each other,” she said.

“Nobody in 2017 should be homeless,” said Stephanie, stating that this has got to be a community project for it to be successful.

Stephanie said people can help with donations and landlords could assist by providing cheaper accommodation or a static home on a site, which would provide an address for the couple.

Homelessness could happen to anybody, Stephanie said. “You just need a change of circumstance and that could be any of us.”

Jason said that they lost their tenancy when they got into rent arrears earlier in the year.

“We were not aware we could claim housing benefit to help with our rent arrears as we were both on a very low income,” Jason said.

They have no connection to this area so say they are not eligible to get emergency help.

Jason added: “It’s the generosity of the passing public that helps us eat and survive each day.”

Stephanie has set up the appeal but got her inspiration to help while in church.

“As a Christian, I can’t take any credit for anything given to me by God,” she insists.

Stephanie has been also been inspired to write a poem about their plight, which can be found on Clementine’s blog

Stephanie and Clementine donate food to the homeless in Peterborough and Stephanie said she has noticed a sharp rise in homelessness in the area.

There is now a number of homeless people living on the streets in Spalding.

Jane said they recently met a couple who have been living under a bridge.

Another homeless couple have reportedly had their tent and belongings burned by vandals.

In September, South Holland District Council announced its participation with ACTion Lincs, a programme designed to help 120 of the most vulnerable homeless people in Lincolnshire.

To give to the Jay and Jane Homeless Spalding Appeal, visit

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