Call to end ache over tooth care

There’s been calls for action on healthcare in the country by a patients’ group.

Healthwatch Lincolnshire says since 2015 there’s been a decline in dental healthcare which ‘is having a negative impact on people’s immediate and future health’.

After surveying the county, it also argues that due to the well publicised lack of NHS dentists, many are having to turn to private treatments.

It’s called for a more rapid and radical reform of the way dentistry is commissioned and provided, a solution to the ‘twin crises of access and affordability’ and a creation of ‘dental hubs to provide more holistic health care’.

A spokesman for Healthwatch Lincolnshire said: “Access to NHS dental care continues to be one of the main issues Healthwatch Lincolnshire hear about from the public. Difficulties getting support has led to many people living in pain.

“As far back as 2015, the number of poor experiences shared with by residents about substandard dentistry has been continuous, and Healthwatch Lincolnshire has been raising these concerns about the decline on behalf of our residents.

“During this time, Healthwatch have consistently worked closely to raise concerns with Lincolnshire MPs and councillors, NHS Lincolnshire ICB, NHS England Midlands Dental Commissioning Team, Healthwatch England, as well as with local and regional dental networks. Healthwatch Lincolnshire also contributed to the National Parliamentary NHS Dentistry enquiry and provided evidence for the Health Select Committee.”

Dean Odell, Healthwatch Lincolnshire contract manager, said: “We know that people from the most deprived communities struggle the most to access dental care because they cannot afford it.

“Although we welcome NHS England’s recent changes to the dental contract, we believe further reform is needed to fix the issues.”

If you would like to share your views on NHS dentistry in Lincolnshire contact Healthwatch by email [email protected] or call 01205 820892.

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