Rail fares for East Midlands Trains customers will rise by an average 1.5 per cent next month, with the increase nationally being 2.3 per cent.
East Midlands Trains – the train operator for Spalding services – says the rise, which start on January 2, equates to 23p per average single journey. It says customers will see fares on average reducing in real terms, as the rate is below the July inflation of 1.9 per cent which is used by the Government to set all regulated fares, including season tickets, and is also below the national average increase for 2017.
Jake Kelly, managing director of East Midlands Trains, said: “We have worked hard to offer the best value travel for our customers. The changes in January will mean fares for East Midlands Trains customers will on average reduce in real terms.
“As well as helping to fund the biggest national investment in the railways since Victorian times through increased payments to Government, the money from fares is also helping to drive many real improvements for customers across our network.”
East Midlands Trains is currently investing £13million in improvements for customers.