A consultation exercise has started on two new sites for the disposal of non-toxic waste in Spalding.
Lincolnshire County Council is asking people to comment on plans for 13 sites across the county, including one at Wardentree Lane/Enterprise Way and another at Clay Lake Industrial Estate.
The new Lincolnshire Minerals and Waste Local Plan is aimed at ensuring the county can meet its waste management needs until 2013.Coun Colin Davie, executive member for planning, said: “We are required to ensure that there is sufficient land available in Lincolnshire to meet the needs of the waste industry.
“These two sites are industrial estates, which were identified as potential locations for future waste management.
“The public consultation runs from today until January 29.
“Then, once we have finalised our plans, they will be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate, who will then hold an examination, during which people will have another chance to express their views.
“We anticipate a decision from the Planning Inspectorate in autumn 2016, with the final plan being adopted in spring 2017.”
“However, even if these sites are included, there is no certainty they would ever be used for waste management. “
To see the documents and have a say go to www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/mineralsandwaste