Parents’ anger at school allocations miles away

Parents in a South Holland village are fuming after being told their children have been allocated school places in Market Deeping.

The Pinchbeck children have been told they will be making the trek to The Deepings School from September, even thought it wasn’t a choice for most of them.
The journey currently involves two bus trips and means some parents are juggling the logistics of getting their children to different schools every morning.
“I’m so angry and upset that he’s got a place at a school 25 minutes from home, and he will have to catch two buses to get there. I don’t drive, so I wouldn’t be able to collect him if he’s poorly or if he missed the bus,” said Amy Dobney.
She had applied for places at Spalding Academy and Cowley Academy, both of which are much closer and offer a direct bus service.
“We have been allocated a place at Deeping for our son. It’s 16 miles from our house and I’m told transport may be provided by taxi, which seems absurd in terms of cost and environmental impact. No wonder councils have no money,” said John Ellwood.
He also said his son belongs to clubs on most evenings, including running and Sea Cadets – none of which he will be able to continue if he has to get home from Deeping.
“We are absolutely outraged that our son as been allocated a place at The Deepings, while his friends and peer group have been placed at Spalding Academy. Forcing a child to endure a 57-minute commute each way when there are suitable schools much closer is completely unfair and makes no sense.
“The decision feels utterly unjust and we are frustrated that families like ours are being put in this decision,” said Daniel Lunn.
Another mum said she would struggle to get her children to the different schools if one missed a bus.
“My son didn’t get any of his preferences and got Deeping instead. Being angry and upset is an understatement. It’s not our closest school and he would have to take two buses, one from Pinchbeck to Spalding and another from Spalding to Deeping. The time he would have to leave is far too early in the morning. If the first bus was late, he would miss the second,” said Claire Cortes.

The county council, which allocates the school places for Year Seven students, says parents should have nominated three schools in their options, not two as some had done.
Emily Nicholls, admissions and education provision manager, said: “There are currently 10 students from Pinchbeck who have not been allocated one of their preferred schools. In some cases, only one or two preferences were listed by parents, as opposed to the maximum three. If their three closest schools had been listed, some would have been allocated a place at a nearer school. However, we are not permitted to offer places to students who do not list a school over those who do.
“We have been in touch with all parents to advise on their next steps, including appeals and revised applications, and we have stressed the importance of using all three preferences in the next round.”
Parent Cara Tebb said her daughter had chosen two schools but had been allocated The Deepings.
“We live in West Pinchbeck and Bourne was our first choice as it’s only 13 minutes drive and she would be able to get the bus. Or I could take her.
“With my daughter getting Deeping, she would have to get a taxi. It’s 22-minute drive without traffic.
“I have four children and I have three of them at other schools. I am utterly cross and I’m sad for my daughter that this has happened. We are now starting the appeal process. The schools are over subscribed and children are on waiting lists. The population is growing, houses are being built but the strain on the school spaces are a massive issue,” she said.
Leanne Howells said the Deepings school did not have a good Ofsted report. It requires improvement in four out of five key areas according to its last full inspection in 2023. It also required improvement after a visit in 2017.

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