A district councillor has called for traffic safety measures on Spalding roads close to numerous schools.
Coun Mark Le Sage wants a 20mph speed limit for vehicles between Spalding High School on Stonegate and Clay Lake or reduce parking in and around the Tesco store down there.
“I’ve seen several near misses over the years while taking my daughter to school,” he said. “There was one just this week where someone had parked on the double yellow lines which made it difficult for oncoming cars to see these High School girls looking to cross.
“It seems to be people parking poorly either nipping into the shop or using it to drop children off.
“At the same time there are cars speeding down the road. I’ve seen some that must be driving at about 50mph.
“I know of several pets that have been run over nearby.
“It’s a school zone area so it would make sense to reduce the speed limit to 20mph on that section.”
A spokesman for Lincolnshire County Council said: “Anyone wishing to see a change in the current traffic network should, in the first instance, get in touch with the local county councillor who can then begin the process of assessment and review to see what, if anything, could be done.
“This is the most common way of addressing any local issues or desires about local networks and has already resulted in many changes across the county in recent years.”