I was alarmed to read Mr Rush’s inaccurate report on the parking and speeding issues along Edinburgh Walk in The Voice on January 15.
Had he contacted Holbeach Parish Council before printing his usual negativity about us he would have furnished himself with the correct facts about what we have done and are continuing to do to address the issues raised by residents of Edinburgh Walk.
I met with one of the residents back in November having picked up comments about the problems on social media.
I contacted LCC councillor Tracey Carter via email but she so far has failed to respond.
I have also been in contact with Graeme Butler at LCC (community speed watch) regarding speeding issues and the placement of a speed indicator device for which we have received a positive response.
One will be sited once agreed by our speeding committee at next week’s committee meeting.
We are also in the process of suggesting a one way system along Edinburgh Walk from Fleet Street to Park Lane.
There has been a slight delay with this communication because our speeding committee was unable to meet in December due to not being quorate due to illness so were only able to meet on Thursday, January 9.
Mr Rush should have followed procedure and asked for comment from HPC before writing an inaccurate article and as he has a habit of doing making negative comments about Holbeach Parish Council.
In future I would suggest you inform him to contact myself as chair of our speeding committee if he has any concerns.
Coun Dr Peter Howden
Chair Planning, Properties, Planning for Emergencies and Speeding
Holbeach Parish Council