Like many others, I have received the winter/spring edition of the Lincolnshire County Council’s magazine County News.
It has some interesting content, but in one article Council Leader Martin Hill, accuses the Government of illogical decisions, not in the best interest of Lincolnshire communities, by setting “a ridiculous deadline to achieve net zero [of Carbon emissions] by 2030”.
That is a bold untruth! The Government has done no such thing. The commitment for net zero is still 2050.
However, the House of Commons Climate Change Committee in its 2024 progress report, said that the new government would have to act fast to meet the country’s commitments.
It set out priorities, including reversing the policy rollbacks of the previous government.
Responding to the need to both clarify the achievements necessary and to ensure that they are implemented in time to reach the 2050 legal commitment, is what the Government has been doing.
It does not include “a ridiculous deadline of 2030” for completion, and Coun Hill should not indulge in such untruths.
John Tippler