Turin Shroud replica at Crowland Abbey

Crowland Abbey is showcasing a replica of a renowned religious relic this week.

A copy of the Turin Shroud is on show until Saturday (August 10) alongside fabric of the original.

For centuries Christians have believed the actual shroud is the one Jesus was wrapped in after his crucifixion and that it bears his resemblance.

Modern dating techniques have cast doubt on that claim, but the shroud remains sacred for many, the original remaining in Turin, Italy.

A modern branch of The Knights Templar has crated a replica and it’s at Crowland Abbey as part of the tour.

A spokesman for the abbey said it was a rare opportunity.

“Crowland Abbey is honoured to be chosen by the Kinghts Templar, who are the guardians of the original shroud on behalf of the Vatican, to be the venue for displaying an exact replica, along with fibres from the original shroud,” they said. “The Knights Templar will be on hand to answer questions.

“Entry is free, but donations are encouraged, with all profits kindly going towards the upkeep of the abbey.

“A variety of merchandise about the shroud and the Knights Templar will be available.”

The abbey is open 9am to 6pm.

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